Thursday 3 April 2014

Touch Down!!!

So it turns out that my flight was only 2 hours long...well not exactly, but I was asleep for 7 hours of it!  The Ativan helped make me yawn a lot, but wasn't having the desired effect!  The solution...BEER!  Apparently a beer chaser will have you sleeping before you can say 'good night'.  I was out cold and loving it.  I woke up in time to be served coffee and yoghurt for breakfast, and then TOUCH DOWN!

My Dad's smiling face was there to greet me the other side of customs with a huge hug, and Mum was sitting close by, so it was followed by huge hugs and kisses from her too!  Perfect greeting.  We are now checked in to our hotel down in Chichester and I am (cough cough) getting my assignment done before dinner.  I do hope that Mum doesn't read this post otherwise it will make for an interesting supper conversation!  She'll forgive me...after all I needed to let you know that my plane didn't in fact end up in the ocean, but instead at London Heathrow as planned! :D

Right, next task at hand is my assignment, and then on to find some matchsticks to prop my eyes open for the next 5 hours...thank heavens I didn't land in the morning!

Thank you for all the support and prayers - they meant a lot and one even had me in tears just before taking off (happy tears), so thank you! x

1 comment:

  1. Now that's the way to travel! Beer and sleep! Have fun xxx


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