Friday 28 March 2014

No Surprises!

Well the exam went as expected...some questions relating to a lecture yet to be had, and the rest too long for me to read and concentrate on.  It's really never a good sign when you:

a) Get to a question you're pretty sure you've already answered before (then it hits you like a freight train that the wording is slightly different! Ooops, better put 'a' for that one too), and
b) You answer 25 questions in the space of 5 minutes because you realise that you are falling asleep and you need to get them done before said sleep happens!

Oh well, it's over and done with...fairly sure I can kiss my A goodbye after that disaster!!! 

Today is a good day!  I'm not sure if it's necessarily a "healthy" day, but I'll take it nonetheless.  You see today I honestly believe that all is fine.  Yes Mum has cancer, but is she going to be leaving me in the next 3-6 months, no.  Maybe this is denial (pretty sure that's the first stage, not the '2-week later' stage), but either way I feel good.  I can talk without crying, I can get on with my normal schedule, and I can enjoy mum just like I used to, without the impending doom hanging over us.  MAYBE it's the happy pills?! 

Hope everyone reading this is well.  Until the next time...

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