Monday 26 May 2014

A Dose of Reality and Lego!

We are home!  Whilst I am glad to be back in my own surroundings again, I am thoroughly miserable as being able to see Mum via Skype is not a patch on being able to see her in person.  We certainly didn't spend every second together, but we had a number of chats, some with tears and some without, and we were in each other's company which was nice. I managed to say goodbye without crying, and made it all the way to England before the floodgates opened and the reality hit.  I am still struggling today especially as I have mixed emotions - part of me loves being home (my dogs gave me a welcome like you couldn't imagine), but the other part knows I'm no longer with my Mum until my next trip.  I feel guilty for being happy I'm home which I know she won't approve of, as the one emotion she doesn't want me feeling is guilt.  

My dogs...well just to include the funny aspect of my post...I was utterly exhausted when we got home last night, so after a lovely hot bath I crawled in to bed, and pretty much fell asleep straight away (unheard of for me as my anxiety usually means a 1-2 hour wait for sleep to finally come).  During the night however, I awoke to an uncomfortable feeling!  I ran my hand under my back to feel a whole tonne of what I assumed were biscuit crumbs.  I silently swore about the kids eating crackers on my side of the bed (Kirk's side is better), but then I realised that I changed the sheets the day we left!  Hmmmm....maybe my family fed the dogs their Bonios on the bed and they left crumbs???  Oh no, way worse!!!  At 5 o'clock this morning, to my horror, I realised that one of the dogs was sick on the duvet, and the whole thing had crusted over and gone on to the sheets!  I'd spent the night lying on a not so comfortable layer of dog puke!  Welcome home!!!! 

As for the rest of my day, I shall spend the morning building my son's Lego for him (which broke on the way home), and having coffee with a friend.  Then I shall be sharply back in to the swing of things as I have to get everything ready for my son's birthday party on Thursday.  Life truly doesn't wait for anyone...

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